Mainstream Wing Chun Can't Work Effectively Against Traditional Martial Arts
Have you ever wondered what would happen if all mainstream Wing Chun guys tried to use their pure Wing Chun techniques against other traditional fighters who were using their pure arts too? For instance, preying mantis, Hung Gar, Zhou Kung Fu, Taichi, Karate, TKD and so on. This video is significant because the Karate guy used the pure techniques of Karate, and he overwhelmed the chunner who was using pure Wing Chun techniques. This is another video of mainstream Wing Chun techniques failing to work effectively against another person who tried to use his traditional style. If such an experiment was conducted, 90 - 98/100 chunners probably would get decimated by other traditional fighters. That means that the excuse of Wing Chun needed to evolve (by turning it into MMA Wing Chun) is an invalid one. Because mainstream Wing Chun cannot work effectively against other ancient martia...